My 5 Favorite Things About Halloween


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My 5 Favorite Things About Halloween

Halloween fast approaches. Always a favorite at our house, ? we still enjoy it even as the kids are all grown.  Here are my 5 favorite things about this spooky holiday:

  1.  It takes place in the fall, perhaps my favorite season of the year ?
  2.  Colorful decorations. Orange, purple, green, black and white. I don’t go quite as wild as before, but I still get into it ?
  3.  Carving jack-o-lanterns. Nothing like the glow of jacks at night ?
  4.  Halloween candy–not just for trick-or-treaters ?
  5.  Spooky movies. Nothing too gory for us, but we have a nice collection that we choose from each year.

Wishing you and yours a safe and fun holiday! Let your imagination thrill you and the treats and colorful decorations delight your senses! Happy Halloween!

 For some fun Halloween reading, check out this inexpensive e-book–just $2!

Also click here for free Halloween bookmark download ?

About Cate

I am a retired RN–I enjoy blogging, designing mugs and more, and spreading a bit of positivity in the world.

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